7 Reasons to Consider Hanging Your Pots & Pans on a Rail

7 Reasons to Consider Hanging Your Pots & Pans on a Rail

It might sound crazy, right? Investing in Easylife Kitchens and cabinets just to hang your pots and pans on a rail? But bear with us – we have put together 7 reasons why this idea shouldn’t just be discarded without something careful thought.

1 – You’re not a fan of the open shelf trend, but your walls still need that something

Open shelves tend to be a hate-them or love-them design element. They can work for almost any kitchen, but not everyone wants them. Skinny utility rails don’t take up much space, can’t gather dust, and can hold everyday items that will be used and washed often. They can also add something to a plain wall!

2 – You don’t have much storage space

Not all kitchens have the luxury of plenty of storage space, and pots & pans do tend to be space hogs that take up way too much space where you might not have space to give, especially in compact kitchens. Rails are an incredible solution to give you more storage space where its lacking.

3 – You want an ergonomic storage solution

Sometimes pots and pans get shoved to the back of cupboards, stored in low drawers, or just hard to reach when everything else is packed in there too. Pots and pans that are well placed and hanging on a rail make cooking easy and free up that searching for the pot and pan you need.

4 – Rails aren’t restricted to pots and pans alone

You can hang practically anything on a rail or a hook on a wall! Think cutting boards, an oven mitt, and even coffee mugs and teacups if you wanted to!

They can even extend to be a kitchen herb garden or other small plants.

5 – Your kitchen could do with a metal accent

If your kitchen needs a statement or a metal accent, a pot rail can nail this. You can opt for wrought iron, brass, stainless steel, copper, or whatever finish you want to add to your kitchen.

6 – You want to show off your cookware collection

These days, copper cookware and other cookware is all the rage, and essentially you don’t want them backed away in a cupboard that only comes out when you’re using them. Use rails to display your beautiful cookware on!

7 – You want to emphasise an industrial design

If your kitchen has a sleek and industrial feel, cookware finishes like cast iron and stainless steel can intensify the look and feel of your kitchen. Another way to accentuate the look is to hang the items at different length hooks on the wall.


Hanging pots, pans, and other utensils on the wall can change up a kitchen and give you extra space if you need it.


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