Are colourful appliances right for you?

Are colourful appliances right for you?

Colourful appliances were once all the rage. And we still see the trend of clients opting for something unusual to create a statement in their new kitchens such as a red stove or a pink fridge. But when do you go for the colourful statement appliance over sticking to neutrals? The main choice should be function, your décor tastes, or purchasing new appliances. But what else?

The drawbacks 

There are without a doubt a few drawbacks when it comes to choosing what colour fridge, stove, or microwave, you go for. But you need to decide if the cons outweigh the aesthetic you might be aiming for.

  • Certain colours can become outdated very quickly. If good to have a trendy kitchen that you can have fun with, but a neutral finish is more timeless.
  • If you’re purchasing a set (stove and fridge), remember that colours can often be a limited run or sell out more often than your classic stainless steel. If one needs to be replaced, it could be tricky to get your hands on a new one.
  • Colourful appliances are generally more pricey than your classic ones.

Décor Tastes

If you enjoy following the latest design trends and can afford to replace your large appliances as the trends change, then picking a colourful appliance might be ideal for you. The retro look makes you smile every time you walk into your kitchen. Some other questions you need to ask yourself include:

  • Will the colourful appliance complement the rest of your kitchen décor that won’t be updated soon? Such as the floors, countertops, or splashbacks.
  • Do you see yourself struggling to keep If you don’t see yourself keeping stainless steel appliances clean, and might tire from them quickly, then ensuring you choose a colour that fits in with the rest of your kitchen might give it the edge you’ve been after.
  • Would you choose black? It might not be as neutral as white or stainless steel, but it blends well with many other décor options.


If you’re only replacing one of your appliances, would a colourful one match the other appliances you have? While white and stainless steel does go together, it’s vital to keep in mind that if you plan on replacing your other appliances shortly and can live with appliances that don’t match at the moment, then why not go for it!


If selling your home is something you consider doing before your next renovation or upgrade, then keeping it neutral might be a better option. Neutral finishes appeal more to potential buyers, even though you will most likely be taking your appliances with you to a new home.

While it may seem like just an appliance, there is so much to consider. If you’re still unsure of which appliances would work best for your new kitchen, speak to one of our expert design consultants – They’ll give you the best advice: View all our showrooms


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