ELK Awards Evening- Gauteng Region, 14 March 2020.

Charlene Le Roux, our National Training Manager received  special acknowledgment all the way from Blum, Austria for her outstanding participation and completion in the following courses;

  • Dynamic Space Specialist
  • Dynamic Space Coach

Thank you Charlene for always having Easylife Kitchens best interest at heart!


Letter from Blum, Austria:

Dear ELK Team

I wish I could be with you tonight for this very special event and I want to congratulate all the achievers for their fantastic work!

It is of course an Easylife evening but it’s also special for Blum as it is an opportunity to thank a very special person!

Dear Charlene, from the very first time we met at the introductory DYNAMIC SPACE workshop I was struck by your great enthusiasm and love for your work.

This enthusiasm also brought you to enjoy and understand all tools that would help you grow your work. It helped you to quickly outgrow what DYNAMIC SPACE was in South Africa in the beginning and brought you to develop new methods and ways to make it work for you and ELK.

And that is exactly what DS is about: understand your customer’s requirements and adapt and develop your product in order to satisfy those requirements.

There is no greater proof of you mastering DYNAMIC SPACE and the Blum offering then your presentation of your new ELK product range. All of that we at Blum like to sub-surmise under the claim of “Moving Ideas”.

Please accept my thanks and these two certificates that are a very small expression of your great achievements in the Blum world!

 Tobias Joseph

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