Festive Season Fruit Salad

There’s no doubt that we’ll be indulging in malva pudding and trifles over the holidays, but what about those days where the summer sun is out and you’re craving something refreshing? Our Festive Season Fruit Salad will hit the spot!


  • ½ large watermelon
  • 1 melon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 punnet of strawberries
  • 1 small bowl of pomegranate
  • 1 handful fresh mint
  • 1 heaped tablespoon Greek or plain yoghurt


  • Cut up your watermelon and melon into bite-size pieces and place them in a serving bowl. If you’re in the mood to be creative, use a scoop and create balls with your melon.
  • Slice your strawberries in half and add to the above.
  • Add the pomegranate to your fruit.
  • Zest your lime and sprinkle it over the salad, then slice your lime in half and pour the juice over your salad.
  • Finely slice up your mint leaves and sprinkle these on top as well.
  • Keep your fruit salad until it’s time to dig in. When serving, add a dollop of Greek or plain yoghurt.

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