How to Easily Declutter and Store Your Kitchen Appliances

Organising your kitchen’s appliances depends a lot on what type of cook you are. If you’re someone who makes everything from scratch, your blender or food processor is usually your most used item. If you’re a cook who enjoys tossing a few ingredients together, your slow cooker is the item you gravitate to first.

Regardless of this, the process stays the same.

Pare Down Your Appliances

First things first, group your appliances in terms of those you use often, those you seldom use, and those you never use. This ensures those you use often are easily accessible. Also try to purchase items that serve multiple purposes, like a blender that can act as a food processor as well.

Donate, Donate, Donate!

This is one of the hardest steps of decluttering and organising, but if you haven’t used a certain appliance, banish it. Throw it out or donate it, instead of having it take up space on your counter or in your cupboards.

Move It Out

We all have those appliances that we do use, just not often enough to have at eye level every day. Use your higher shelves or cabinets to store seasonal appliances like ice-cream makers and move them down when it’s time to start using them again.

Display It

Appliances you use daily like toasters and kettles should be displayed on the counter, even more so if they look appealing. As much as we like a clean countertop, it’s also important to save your storage for appliances that aren’t used frequently.

Over and above, our 3 rules of thumbs for organising appliances are:

  • Frequently used appliances go on the counter.
  • Rarely used appliances are stored at the top of your cupboards.

Appliances that are never used should be donated.

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